Young Ty
Created by V abrahamson 12 years ago
The memories are many and all so precious but I will share two. Before Ty was born his grandfather had open heart surgery. Ty was 3 years old when one morning he saw the big scar on Papa's chest and asked him about it. Papa said, "That's where the doctors cut me so they could operate on my heart." Ty said, "Boy Papa,those doctors must really have wanted to see Jesus."
Ty was 4 when his Aunt Mimi and Uncle Dave were married. At the reception he took the microphne and sang this song.
Lord, I lift Your name on high; Lord I love to sing Your praises, I'm so glad You're in my life: I'm so glad You came to save us.
You came from heaven to earth to show the way,
From the earth to the cross my debt to pay,
From the cross to the gave; From the grave to the sky;
Lord, I lift Your name on high. (by Rick Founds)
We will all miss you Ty, (AKA TyTy, TMan, TyBone, Tyler)
and we are so thankful to know that you are safe in the arms of Jesus.
Love, Nana