Such a special young man.....
Created by cherylharrell33 12 years ago
Such a tragic loss! Every parent's deepest fear and how sorry we are that you have this upon you. Our prayer is that you all will find peace, maybe just moments at a time for now, and that you will allow the grief to take whatever form seems right for each of you. No one does it the same. There really are no words to convey the depth or breadth of this loss so just know our hearts hurt for you and that rememberances will be what heals you along with God's grace.
Ty and my son Tyler were friends in 6th and 7th grade at Liberty and how I remember the fun they had together along with Wesley Tweed. Those were the skateboarding years....I drove them (as moms do) to the SPOT and picked them up from various skate locations....Ty had the best laugh and are a couple of stories: I had taken Ty, Wesley and my son to Orlando to the Van's Skatepark and then Alyssa (my dau then age 6) and I went to the outlet mall across the street, I happened to give Ty my cell phone number just in case even though my son Tyler had it....We were at the mall for 15 minutes when Ty called me and said that Tyler had gotten hurt and I needed to come....I thought at first they were messing with me since humor was a big part of their lives....but no it was true, my son had totally splayed his shin apart and needed stitches. They rolled Tyler out to the curb at Van's in an office chair and Ty and Wesley got him into the car and off we went to Sandlake ER. For four hours they waited in the ER waiting room while Tyler and I were in the treatment area...whenever I went out there to check on the boys and Alyssa, Ty was doing something to entertain Alyssa, he had her laughing and she was excited to tell me that she could touch the ceiling cause Ty lifted her up there! It was so helpful to me that I did not have to worry about her or them while I dealt with Tyler and his injury...of course I took them to the CiCi's restaurant (their excited request) after we got out of there as we were all starving and the day still ended up with some fun in it....It was endearing that Ty rose to the challenge as a young man that day and I was so thankful!!
The other story is that since boys like to throw balls my house there was always a contest to see who could throw the rolled up tight napkin into the small neck vase on the high window shelf standing across the room in my kitchen area. It is virtually an impossible shot and my son had made it once or twice over many years. So, Ty and Tyler are competing to see who can make it in the vase (many many napkins) and I was the they decided to bet me they could make it in, I said okay...$10.00 and you have 10 tries....(they had shot many times already and not made it) so yes indeed they BOTH make it in the vase within the 10 I paid up and both of them were deliriously happy, it was the best $20 I ever gave away.... they talked about that so much.....
Last, Ken, do you remember the 6th or 7th grade field trip we chaperoned for the boys when they went to the fair? (I think it was the fair and I remember how crazy our groups of energetic boys were together and how much fun we all had). Ty was an upbeat and happy kid and yet very respectful always, he loved all of you and was so happy he had a little brother! This is why we mourn....
Ty left a mark on us and we thank him for coming into our lives and being a good friend to my son. Our family sends you our prayers and hope for God's comfort to hold each of you and remind you that you will see Ty again, until then he is in good hands.
The Harrell family, Matt, Cheryl, Tyler and Alyssa.
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