Baseball fan and Cubs fan

Created by erubin 12 years ago
We first got to know Ty and the Neuhaus family in the Spring of 2005. I was Ty's Little League manager that season. We had a special team and Ty was one of 12 boys that gave us a fun and unforgettable season. Each kid is different and I must say that Ty was a challenge to coach but in a good way. With Ty the other coaches and myself had to "lay down the law" a little bit more. Jay Jarrell and Phil Stein were the coaches and Jay would call the pitches from the dugout. Ty played a lot of catcher for us. Usually every game there were a couple pitches that we didn't call but knew it had to be Ty calling on his own. I would have to remind him in a friendly way who the coaches were but he was always very respectful towards us. As far as his baseball abilities go to this day he still has the best single game performance I have ever seen at any level. In the Tournament Of Champions tournament where we played other teams from the area Ty had a game for the "ages". In a 4 inning mercy rule game Ty hit 3 home runs with 8 RBI's! I can still remember the last one which was a Grand Slam. I was coaching third base and Ken and Karen were in their usual spot towards the bullpen in their lawn chairs. After Ty hit the Grand Slam I looked over in disbelief at Ken and watched as he launched himself out of the chair in excitement. Keep in mind that 7 1/2 years ago there weren't nearly as many home runs hit in Little League like there are with today's bats. I think during the season Ty may have led the league with 5 or 6 home runs. Whether in a game or practice at 12 years old nobody hit the ball harder. As Ty got older I would see him around the fields, school or neighborhood. It's ironic that as Ty started to umpire Little League games he did some of my team's games with our youngest son Jacob. I believe Ty's first game as a home plate umpire was with my team. Jacob and I were discussing the other day how he called "infield fly" on a ball that was hit about 10 feet in the air between home plate and the pitchers mound. I let the call go and then after the game in the parking lot we discussed the ruling on the play and I told him he missed the call. I remember him offering catching pointers to Jacob since he catches as well. Ty had a great passion and understanding for the game of baseball. One big thing in common between the Neuhaus and Rubin families is that we have a great love for the Chicago Cubs. The fall after I managed Ty I saw the Neuhaus family at the Little League fields and Karen told me that Ty had something for me. They had gone to Chicago over the summer and Ty bought me a souvenir glass from Harry Caray's restaurant. It is something that we have in our house that forever will remind us of Ty. It is sitting on a shelf next to the Old Style beer Mugs and Pitcher. Any true Cub fan knows Old Style is the beer you drink when you go to Wrigley Field. Hopefully we'll all be able to celebrate a Cubs World Series victory that his spirit will be a part of. He will be missed. Coach Ed